Bug fixes, animated GIFS, repo made public

There were a few definitely rough patches with Xenophobic Opposites, Unite! Art DiBianca noted some missing synonyms, and one of the algorithms to give clues was off as well.

I also had a problem with, surprisingly, X. That's because I changed it in my other chess games to "x [any person]" but then I added a note paper scrap, so "x (note)" didn't work but "read (note)" did.

However, I also managed to create animated GIFs of each solution. They are attached in the main zip file. I attached a quick (but nonintuitive) solution for choice 1 *and* a solution for if you get to the edge of the board. It's worth noting the first move is unnecessary in anim-end-2 if Black is to move, and you can proceed as before.

anim-end-1.gif details how to move your king in so you don't have to lose a move with the bishop.

anim-choice-2, 3 and 4 each show how to win with the bishops starting in various places.

I hope the delay is not too fast for the images, and people can follow them.

I used Python to create the separate frames , then ImageMagick. My Python source is here, as I finally made the source code public. You need to see both mates.py and mates.txt.

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